Follow the progress of making this enameled steel wall piece for Sahara Senior Villa in Hemet, CA. The piece was fired at KVO Industries in Santa Rosa, CA. Its inspiration was Stone’s discovery of these vibrant red steps on the island of Hydra in Greece.
Before any enameling is done, special ‘enameling’ steel needs to be cut to a template and spray- coated with a ground coat and cover coat of finely ground enamel particles held in a liquid water suspension. The dimensions of Red Steps are 39″ x 29″. After making several sketches a drawing is transferred to the coated steel with an enamel crayon. Water -based enamel is airbrushed on to the surface and fired.

Here is the wall piece hanging upside down and cooling after first firing.

The second firing will add details and color using an oil based screening paste made of finely ground glass particles.